As the summer rolls into town, the amazing Titanic Exhibition sails into Tel Aviv!
The Titanic Exhibition, which recreates the glamorous times of 1912 and the hype around the world’s greatest ship that was “impossible to sink” will be taking place at the Tel Aviv Exhibition and Fair Grounds from June 7 to August 23.
For those of you in need of a reminder, the Titanic set off on its maiden voyage in 1912 amid much worldwide fanfare, and then sunk when it hit an iceberg and claimed the lives of 1500 people. Of course, there’s also the blockbuster movie that tells the tale too, but we’re guessing you’ve seen it already :-)
Now, more than a hundred years later, the Titanic Exhibition arrives to tell Tel Aviv all about the legendary story, including over 200 original items that were pulled from the remains of the ship, which is still at the bottom of the ocean.
Tickets for the Titanic Exhibition are on sale now – call *9066 for details!
This one ain’t a cheap one (as always seems to be the case with these summer exhibitions), as prices start at 142 shekels a ticket, but there is a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) for 399 shekels. And. as always, check with your credit card for discounts, as there are some available for various cards.
Note that children under 3 get in FREE.