I’m not vaccinated – can I visit Israel?

YESSS!!! From March 1st 2022, tourists can visit Israel, regardless of their vaccination status or age.

Excellent news, to which many of you have been waiting. Vaccinated tourists have been permitted to enter Israel since January 9, so it’s been a few weeks, but we’ve finally made it!

Now all tourists can enter Israel from March 1st, even if unvaccinated! All you need to do is submit a negative PCR test before flying to the Holy Land and take another one after landing in Israel (as do those of you with Israeli passports – however, Israeli passport holders no longer need to take a PCR test before boarding their flight home to Israel, also amazing news!).

To learn more about the PCR tests on arrival at Ben Gurion airport, click here. Just to make sure you’re following the latest guidelines, check out the latest and greatest from the government website.

We’re very happy campers, as you probably are too! It means you can start dreaming again about visiting some of Israel’s truly unforgettable sites, floating in the Dead Sea, exploring the wonders of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and just shaking your bikini-clad white bits on one of Israel’s best beaches!

Let’s hope this is truly the end of this Corona madness!

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