What the f*ck is the Jerusalem Syndrome?

jerusalem syndromeAhhh, the Holy City of Jerusalem, a truly inspiring and spiritual city, a city that leaves a lasting impression on many of us…

We have, of course, covered the true essential Jerusalem sites elsewhere on this site, but one thing we’ve never gone into before is the true spiritual power of the city of Jerusalem. A power that invokes in numerous people every year the Jerusalem Syndrome.

What exactly is the Jerusalem Syndrome?

The Jerusalem Syndrome is basically a religiously inspired delusion triggered by a visit to the Holy City. For some people (around 50 people every year), visiting the sites of this amazing city can just get too much, and they briefly take on the persona of the Messiah or some other holy ex-Jerusalemite.

Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to experience the Jerusalem Syndrome if you’re Protestant, but it’s also known to have affected Jews and Muslims…yep, nobody is safe from the power of Jerusalem!

Will I get the Jerusalem Syndrome?

Probably not (unless your Homer Simpson). As I mentioned above, some 50 people annually get hospitalized due to the Jerusalem Syndrome. With some 3.5 million tourists visiting Jerusalem every year, the chances are you’re going to be fine…

The risk factor diminishes further when you look a little closer at the people who have actually experienced the Jerusalem Syndrome. Many of them have experienced mental illness in their home country, and the sudden powerful meetup with one of the most spiritual, intense cities in the world is just enough to push them over the edge.

There are similar syndromes in other big cities, including the Florence Syndrome (where people are overcome by the wonder of the art and beauty of this Italian gem), so Jerusalem is not alone in its spiritual power. The syndrome was actually first clinically recorded in the 1930s, but can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the 19th century.

The good news is that, as with these other syndromes, once you leave the Holy City, the Jerusalem Syndrome usually vanishes just as quickly as it arrived.

If you’d like an amazing insight into the Holy City, don’t miss our budget-friendly Jerusalem Tours!

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