Israel: the good, the bad, and the ugly (Part 1)

Israel really does have it all; the sun, the fun, the food, the historical sites. But there’s also a darker side to Israel that doesn’t get mentioned in those nice, shiny, little guide books. As this site is not just about all the pretty touristy stuff, I’ve come up with three lists to explain it all: Israel – the good, the bad, and the ugly (oh yes, things get ugly!).

Today it’s the turn of Israel: the good stuff. The Top 20 really great things about Israel, at least in my opinion. I’m sure that some of you have your own ideas about what makes the Holy Land such a great place, leave a comment if it’s not here on this list!

1… The amazing sunny weather. British summers during Israeli winters – 28C in December anyone?

2… The awe-inspiring Old City of Jerusalem. Never get tired of it.

3… Tel Aviv. People who ask me why I’ve stayed here so long only understand once they’ve visited Tel Aviv…

4… Tel Aviv beach. Sunsets aplenty that demand you grab a cold one. And all just a step away from the heart of the city.

5… The Med Sea.

6… The Dead Sea.

7… The Red Sea.

8… The night-life. There’s just such a variety these days in nearly every major town. And often things don’t even get started before 11pm.

9… Israeli food: Jachnun on a Saturday morning, shakshuka, hummus…

10… Eye candy. Would you believe there’s many, many more beautiful women here than Bar Refaeli?

11… The people. Israelis might seem a little rude and arrogant at first, but once you get to know them they can be the most hospitable on the planet.

12… Relaxed dress code. I can’t remember the last time I wore socks, honestly (it is July, and the season of flip-flops has long been underway). As for a tie…ha!

13… Compactness. Means you can get around the whole of Israel very easily.

14… The Desert, complete with camels, Bedouin and amazing scenery.

15… Snorkeling in Eilat.

16… Halva. I have an addiction to the stuff. Sniffff.

17… Freedom to express yourself. With shouts aplenty, plus the obligatory gesticulating hands and arms.

18… The drive down to the Sea of Galilee. And then the drive around it.

19… The perks my mother-tongue English can still wangle…

20… The ability to amaze me, in both good and bad ways, even after 20+ years here.

Coming next, Israel: the bad stuff

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